Add Currencies

Add Currencies

Adding blockchains into the Digital Names system ensures that our members will have access to use the most active blockchain with their Digital Names.

Please review the requirements below. If your blockchain meets the requirements, you may submit your request. Please allow up to 48 hours for a reply to your request.

Digital Name owners may submit an application for the review of a blockchain for inclusiion.

Blockchain Listing Requirements
Digital Name owners may submit an application for the review of a blockchain for inclusiion.
Step 1

Blockchain Type

The blockchain must use a public key for accounts. Our Digital Names service will only work with blockchains that use a public key.

Step 2

Active Wallet Listing

The blockchain must have an active listing on a wallet or exchange. A test transaction will be required to ensure its operational ability.

Step 3

Provide Blockchain Website

Provide the website url that is being used to represent the blockchain. The website must contain a support method for its users, such as a contact us form, a support ticket system or support email.

Step 4

Active Digital Names Membership

Applicant must have an active Digital Name. Select your membership in the "Related Service" in this application.

Step 5

Default Digital Names

Applicant must provide a dedicated Digital Name to be used to represent the blockchain. The Digital Name must be active.

Please explain in this application description, how the blockchain operates.
Which blockchain technology it uses, the number of total issued, please list any applications using the blockchain
  Submit Application
* You must login to submit this application.

Now use Digital Names for any blockchain transaction. Works with all blockchain wallet and exchanges!

Using the Digital Address Book, you can easily find the public key for any Digital Name.